Experience Thank You, Baby’s set design services, where unrestrained creativity meets professionalism to elevate your visual storytelling. Ty Designs brings a wealth of expertise as a NIDA-trained set designer, ensuring every project is crafted with intention and imagination. Complementing this, Bloom Boy brings his extensive experience in fashion and photographic styling, infusing each scene with conceptual depth and creativity.

Our services cater to a diverse range of needs, spanning from full stage design for productions to captivating photographic backdrops that breathe life into your space. Whether you're looking to enhance the aesthetics of people or products, we specialize in crafting environments that captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression.

In addition, we pride ourselves on our ability to create bespoke props tailored to your specific needs, adding an extra layer of customisation to our projects.

From temporary setups to permanent installations, we are dedicated to bringing your vision to life with meticulous attention to detail. Some of our esteemed clients include Crown Melbourne, Drag Expo, and Miss Trixie Drinks Tea.